Paradox of Choice
Writing prompt: I opened the refrigerator …
I opened the refrigerator and stood there staring. How could there be nothing to eat when I
had just gone grocery shopping? And had spent over $100 (not $100 for a family, with multiple
people, but $100 just for me)? Could it be the Paradox of Choice—the curse of too many
I heard that phrase yesterday and it has stuck with me. Also yesterday, a friend offered to let
me poach her HBO account. I hesitated. I’ve already got Netflix and Hulu … plus the 800 million
videos on YouTube. Do I really need another option that will only tempt me to spend even more
time staring at a screen?
When I was a kid, we had three TV channels: ABC, NBC, and CBS. And we always found
something to watch, an offering we typically enjoyed. Now, when I go back home, Dad has
cable with 500+ channels … and we spend 45 minutes trying to find something to watch. (And
often settle on something no one is particularly thrilled with.) It’s ridiculous!
So, I turned down my friend’s generous HBO offer. And in the time saved not watching yet
another online offering, maybe I’ll cook a thoughtful and healthy meal with the $100 worth of
groceries staring back at me from the open refrigerator.