What Tracy Recommends
(centered around biblical storytelling)
- The Network of Biblical Storytellers, Internationalhttps://www.nbsint.org/
- The Biblical Storytelling Libraryhttps://biblicalstorytellinglibrary.com/
- The Network of Biblical Storytellers, Canadahttps://www.nbscanada.org/
- GoTell Communicationshttp://gotell.org/
- Biblical Performance Criticismhttps://www.biblicalperformancecriticism.org/
- Stories for the Sojourn (offerings by Prof. Cliff Barbarick)https://blogs.acu.edu/storiesforthesojourn/
YouTube Subscriptions
(an ever-growing collection of biblical story performances)
- The Network of Biblical Storytellers, Internationalhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb0gKuX6nQospl8c8R1nByw
- Phil Ruge-Joneshttps://www.youtube.com/user/bishopregion4
- Tim Coombshttps://www.youtube.com/user/nobsint
- The Network of Biblical Storytellers, Indiahttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzrs5omiqJOJWo4YQ2H39jg
- GoTellStoryhttps://www.youtube.com/user/GoTellStory
TV Series
(all offer some really great theological food for thought/discussion starters)
- The Chosenhttps://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen/watch
- Midnight Mass Netflix
- The Good PlaceNetflix
- LuciferNetflix
(most, but not all, related to biblical storytelling or spirituality)
Story Journey: An Invitation to the Gospel as Storytelling
Thomas Boomershine
Holly Hearon and Phil Ruge-Jones, editors
The Bible in Ancient and Modern Media
Story Proof: The Science Behind the Startling Power of Story
Kendall Haven
Improving Your Storytelling
Doug Lipman
Rehearsing Scripture
Anna Carter Florence
The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity
Cynthia Bourgeault
A Breath of Fresh Air: Biblical Storytelling with Prisoners
Amelia Boomershine
Embodied Performance: Mutuality, Embrace, and the Letter to Rome
Sarah Agnew
Provoking the Gospels
Richard Swanson
Offering the Gospel to Children
Gretchen Wolff Pritchard
Preaching Mark’s Gospel/Preaching Matthew’s Gospel/Preaching Luke’s Gospel
Richard Jensen
The Red Tent
Anita Diamant
The Art of Biblical Narrative
Robert Alter
Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel
David Rhoads, Joanna Dewey, Donald Michie
Pilgrim Spirituality: Defining Pilgrimage Again for the First Time
Rodney Aist